SHINE -Abdur Razzaque Ansari Institute
of Health Education & Research Centre



Our objective of establishing Hostels within the Campus is to provide students “a Home away from Home”, wherein they can feel at ease and put in their best efforts for acquiring ‘Attitude, ‘Skill sets and ‘Knowledge, towards life. The Hostel Environment certainly provides self-confidence, instills discipline in the minds of students and also provides scope for developing their ideals for harmonious and communal living without Nostalgia; these attributes enable them to share the joys of camaraderie, friendship/ fellowship and professional fraternity; senior students have been trained to be more responsible and thus set good examples for the juniors. Everyone should uphold dignity, self-respect and reputation of every other student and of the Alma-Mater. ‘Self-help’, ‘Accommodating Intelligence’ and ‘Team spirit’ for the common good are the virtues expected from senior students as well as the freshers. Some of the courses are completely residential. Separate hostels are provided for boys & girls within the campus. The rooms are well ventilated. Each student is provided with a cot, table, chair and cupboard. Each Hostel has its own dining hall, recreation room, reading room, in house dispensary and a computer lab. Water purifier and water coolers are also provided in the mess to meet the requirement of students. In addition there is provision for air coolers in the hostel. The students are provided with breakfast, lunch, evening refreshment & dinner. Multiple cuisines are provided to cater for the requirements of students who come from diverse backgrounds. Maximum security standards are also set for the students. Multiple security guards are posted at relevant positions and leave of absence can only be granted in the presence of the registered guardian.

The Best

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